Staying Put for 50 Years of Home Ownership
Loving the home and wanting to call it her forever home, Dahlia was determined to stay put. However, she had some concerns about falling and navigating the house maintenance without her husband.
Home Modifications from Beginning to End: What It’s Like Working with Age Well at Home
The success of our program is based on the safety, health, and happiness of the people we serve. Our process is designed to prioritize the homeowner at every stage. Here’s a bit about what that experience is like.
Accredited Sources Say Age Well at Home Is Critically Needed and Necessary in Minnesota
Studies by Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity, Amherst H. Wilder Foundation, and Harvard University show the need for Age Well At Home services.
Safety Modifications Support Recovery
After suffering a traumatic illness, Maylee required help making her home more accessible so she could recover there.
Celebrating 2 Years of Age Well at Home
Pat Lund and Dr. Mika Nkimberg reflect on the first two years of Age Well At Home and look forward to what's next.
A Community Organizer’s Forever Home
We helped Linda make her kitchen more accessible, increase her home security, and improve safe access to her home.
Consulting Partnership with Habitat for Humanity International
Age Well at Home is partnering with Habitat for Humanity International to expanding our services and share our trauma-informed approach.
Helping a Friend in Need
Safety modifications both inside and outside Marlene’s home make her feel safer and more confident in her ability to stay there as she ages.
Peace of Mind and Healthier Living
We worked with Harry to create a safer home for him to live in by fixing holes in his roof and gutters and updating his bathroom.
The Beauty of Recovering at Home
Brenda’s beautiful home needed repairs and safety modifications in order for her to be able to live there safely and confidently as she recovered from numerous illnesses.
Brighter Lights, Brighter Outlook
Carmen Robles needed new lighting fixtures to go along with safety improvements in her kitchen and bathroom. She now has peace of mind that she can stay in the home and community she loves.
Supporting the Caregiver
LaJune cares for her 3-year-old granddaughter after raising sisters, children, and other grandchildren. Safety modifications and plumbing repairs made it possible for her to stay in her home.
The Power of Property Ownership
Over 50 years of ownership, Tommie has made his North Minneapolis house into a home. Safety renovations allowing him to stay in that home help to preserve its value and keep him active with his art and in his garden, anchoring his neighborhood.
Giving Back to a Lifetime Giver
Bettie is one of those people who gives without expecting anything in return. So when she expressed concerns about staying in her home due to arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and impaired vision, we were more than happy to help her out. See how small changes can make a big difference.
Safer Steps Make a Safer Home
Making the front and back entrances to Allie's Minneapolis home safer meant lowering the risk of falls and keeping her home a vibrant gathering space for her family and friends.