“I want to stay in my house as long as I possibly can,” is a statement we hear all the time and we are here to help make that happen. Age Well at Home works with partner organizations to help aging adults stay in their homes longer. We serve primarily homeowners of color and low-income adults, to address racial inequity in housing and help to preserve wealth for people whose home represents their most significant asset.
We at Age Well at Home are with our participants every step of the way. The success of our program is based on the safety, health, and happiness of the people we serve. Our process is designed to prioritize the homeowner at every stage. Here’s a bit about what that experience is like:

Referral & Application

Homeowner participants are referred to our Age Well at Home programming from partner agencies like NorthPoint Health and Wellness Center in North Minneapolis or Urban Partnership on the east side of St. Paul, as well as participant family and friends. Referrals are sent to our Director of Family Relations, Lauren Kvasnicka.

In a meeting, Lauren walks the participants through the application process, including discussing health and safety concerns in their house, and including issues raised by family members and referral partners. Listening is a vital part of our program’s success. Many of our homeowner participants have experienced trauma and we are sensitive to where they are coming from and help them feel that we hear their concerns and will not do anything without their direction.

Building relationships and trust is critical with individuals. We are attentive as they share with us their needs. They know their homes and how they want to navigate their lives.

Bettie and John Smith in their home

John & Bettie S., homeowners served by Age Well At Home

In-home Assessment & Project Plan

Once a participant is selected, our team meets with them for an in-home assessment. Lauren is joined by the Director of Construction, Adam Real, to review the home modification plan with the homeowner to help them live safer, healthier, and longer in their homes. Seeing the space in person helps refine the project plan to better fit the participant’s needs.

Project Development & Completion

Once the project plan is finalized, Adam coordinates with contractors and develops a work plan to get the work completed over the next few weeks. Homeowners give us feedback throughout the home project and we can adapt outcomes if their comfort level and desires change along the way.

Bettie and John Smith in their home

Maylee S., homeowner served by Age Well At Home

Once the project is done, participants sign a certificate of completion. But our relationship doesn’t end there. We stay in touch with our participants to see how they’re doing and to collect feedback that improves our work and inspires our donors.

We conduct surveys twice after a project ends, four months and one year after completion. If we are given permission, we share their inspiring stories on our website.

For more information, call Lauren at 612-699-8088 or send an email to lauren@agewellathome.org.